Our Deep End passion for
Why do we need Research? Research gives us evidence; gives us data. Without evidence/data, our argument for change is weak. Unfortunately a recent 'heat map' comparing published research with need, revealed that those groups who have the poorest health outcomes are also the same groups for whom we have the least research! This only compounds & perpetuates the situation. At Deep End, we want to support more practices & more vulnerable or inclusion health groups to actually become 'Research Active'. Read below to see how you can become more involved!
PPIE (Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement)
​ Researchers from the University of East Anglia (School of Health sciences and Norwich Medical school) have recently engaged with the asylum seeker and refugee community in Norwich in research engagement events. Dr Emily Clark (GP in Noriwch, Research Lead for Deep End East of England and NIHR In -practice fellow) led the initiative with funding from NIHR CRN (clinical research network) and worked with The Zainab project to run the events. The Zainab project is a community volunteer run café in the centre of Norwich, giving refugees and asylum seekers the transferable skills needed to find future employment. Over 70 asylum seekers and refugees attended from 14 different countries showing that these people are not "hard to reach" we just need to go to them! A visual summary of the events is shown here.
Inequalities Research Network
The Inequalities Research Network (IRN) is a growing network of professionals based in primary care and/or the community in the East of England who are interested in undertaking research in underserved areas. By growing and supporting this network, it aims to foster funded research that aims to reduce health inequalities. The network is being initiated within Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICB but intends to spread, or influence the generation of similar networks, both regionally and nationally. To join please email Joshua.Fowler@pcvs.co.uk.